Radio Teopoli Back to List

phone: 416-233-7368, 416-233-8227

description: Radio Teopoli offers all people the possibility of joyfully entering into dialogue with the mystery of God's message of salvation revealed fully in Christ Jesus and faithfully proclaimed by the Catholic Church.  Guided by a faithful love for the Truth, Radio Teopoli exists to inspire, inform, instruct, encourage, and invite all people of goodwill to a life of holiness.

Radio Teopoli will introduce topics that will interest and support the listeners to make morally correct choices according to the revealed Word of God and the teaching of the Catholic Church.  It intervenes and invites others to become involved for the sake of defending the Truth, the rights of individuals, just causes and the dignity and sacredness of human life.

Monday through Friday on AM1380:
3:00 â?? 5:00 pm   English

Saturday on AM1380:
9:00 am â??   2:00 pm English

2:00 pm  â??   3:00 pm Italian

9:00 pm â?? 10:00 pm English on AM530 Toronto


Sunday on AM1380 :
9:00 â?? 11:00 am English

11:00 am â?? 1:00 pm Italian